Friday, July 10, 2009


I love my friends...I just hate when they talk about other people behind there backs. It's sooooo rude! ohh wow...


hehe..haha...ur face is officialy perminently awesomely funny..
(sorry, i was trying to use big words lolz!)

Happy b-day daddy!

Today (July, 10) is my daddy's birtday :)
lolz, i love him!

Brothers suck

do you have an older brother or younger brother??? i do and one of them is named Jordan...he sucks...he constintaly just talks and talks and talks!!!! he talks about me and says im a failure..but, im not the one who got saved from summer school, by MY MOM! he's a lazy bumb. he is always on his laptop and/or playing video games. he takes 2 minute showers, and when my father or mother tells him to do something he rufuses! I wouldn't dare respect my parents like that. Just yesterday (July 9, 2009) we we're down stairs in the basement fighting!!! here i will tell you the WHOLE story...

~it all started when my dad made a huge, chore list..Brandon and I got to pick what chores we wanted first so Jordan got mad because he got all the hard ones, and take the most time like..clean the basement....clean the kitchen, clean both bathrooms..everything in them and clean his side of his bedroom. and i left my flip-flops upstairs in the hallway near the side door, and he threw them outside. I got mad almost threw HIM down the stairs..and then I went down stairs to throw his shoes outside. he got mad at MEH when he saw them outside. he went downstairs to get another pair of meh shoes and we went downstairs and he attacked me like some kind of ugly crazy monkey! and we were fighting hitting eachother and crap like that..and then all of a sudden he grabbed a freakin PERMINENT MARKER..i had him pinned down on the floor and he opened the marker and drew all over my neck, arms, legs, and FACE! there are still marks. i luckily got all the permentant marker off with some rubbing alchol. and jordan got in soooo much trouble...and i cant tell u wat happened to him!! and i beat him up too. not to mention my brother gave him a black eye and wat not two days before..Jordan just isnt a good person!! HE SUX.
the end--and it IS true!